Category: Advices

How to prevent colic in newborns

Understand What Causes Colics

Newborns often experience discomfort caused by colics, which can make both the baby and parents restless. Colics are abdominal pain and cramps that occur when a baby’s digestive system is not fully developed. They are common in infants, occurring in about 1 in every 5 babies. In this article, we will discuss how to avoid colics in newborns, dividing the content into 10 sections, each with 2 or 3 sub-sections.
Understanding what causes colics is the first step in preventing them. Colics occur when a baby’s digestive system is still developing, and the muscles in the digestive tract cannot yet completely move food through the intestines. This causes a build-up of gas, which can lead to discomfort and pain. Other causes of colics in newborns include allergies to formula or food, overfeeding, and swallowing air.

Delay Cord Clamping

Delayed cord clamping has been shown to decrease the incidence of colic in newborns. This technique involves waiting a few minutes before cutting the umbilical cord, allowing more blood to flow from the placenta to the baby. This extra blood contains iron, which can help prevent anemia and improve gut function.

Breastfeed if Possible

Breastfeeding is a natural way to provide your baby with the nutrients they need and can help reduce the occurrence of colic. Breast milk is easy to digest and contains antibodies that help protect your baby from infections. Additionally, research has shown that breastfeeding can help reduce gas and colic in infants.

Use a Pacifier

Using a pacifier can help reduce the risk of colic in newborns. Sucking on a pacifier can help soothe a baby’s discomfort and reduce the amount of air they swallow while feeding. Pacifiers have also been shown to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Establish a Routine

Establishing a consistent routine early on can help prevent colics in newborns. Newborns thrive on predictable schedules, and knowing what to expect can help reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, a regular schedule can help prevent overfeeding, which can lead to colic.

Stick to a Feeding Schedule

Feeding your baby on a consistent schedule can help regulate their digestive system and prevent overfeeding. A newborn’s stomach is small, and frequent, smaller feedings are typically better than larger, less frequent feedings.

Create a Calming Bedtime Routine

Establishing a calming bedtime routine can help your baby relax and sleep better, reducing the risk of colic. This routine might involve a warm bath, a gentle massage, and soft music or white noise.

Keep Your Baby Relaxed During the Day

Keeping your baby relaxed and comfortable during the day can help prevent colic. This means avoiding overstimulation and providing ample opportunities for naps and quiet time.

Reduce Your Baby’s Exposure to Toxins and Irritants

Exposure to toxins and irritants can lead to digestive problems and colic in newborns. Reducing your baby’s exposure to these substances can help prevent colics.

Avoid Smoke and Air Pollution

Smoke and air pollution can irritate your baby’s respiratory system, leading to colic. Avoid smoking around your baby, and keep your home free from toxins, such as cleaning chemicals and air fresheners.

Choose Natural Products

Using natural products with no harsh chemicals can help prevent colics. Laundry detergents, soaps, and lotions can all contain chemicals that can irritate your baby’s delicate skin and digestive system.

Use a Humidifier

Using a humidifier in your baby’s room can help prevent colic. Dry air can irritate your baby’s respiratory system and make them more susceptible to colics. A humidifier can add moisture to the air, making it easier for your baby to breathe.

Help Your Baby Move Gas Through Their System

Gas in your baby’s digestive system can lead to colics. Helping them move gas through their system can help prevent discomfort and pain.

Massage Your Baby’s Tummy

Massaging your baby’s tummy can help move gas through their system, preventing colics. Gently rub your baby’s belly in a circular motion, moving clockwise.

Encourage Movement

Encouraging your baby to move can help prevent colic. Gentle tummy time, where you place your baby on their stomach for a short period each day, can help move gas through their system.

Use a Warm Compress

A warm compress can help soothe your baby’s discomfort and help move gas through their system. Apply a warm washcloth or heating pad to your baby’s tummy for a few minutes at a time.

Monitor Your Baby’s Diet

Your baby’s diet can play a significant role in the occurrence of colic. Monitoring your baby’s diet can help prevent colics.

Choose the Right Formula

If you are using formula, choosing the right type can help prevent colics. Look for formulas with prebiotics and probiotics, which can help promote healthy gut bacteria and reduce the risk of colics.

Avoid Allergenic Foods

If you are breastfeeding, avoid allergenic foods that can cause colics. Common allergenic foods include dairy, soy, and wheat.

Introduce Solid Foods Gradually

When your baby is ready to start solid foods, introduce them gradually. Start with single-ingredient foods, such as rice cereal, and wait a few days between introducing new foods.

Try Colic Remedies

There are many colic remedies available that can help prevent and soothe colic symptoms.

Use Gas Drops

Gas drops can help reduce the amount of gas in your baby’s digestive system, reducing the risk of colic.

Try Probiotics

Probiotics can help promote healthy gut bacteria, reducing the risk of colic. Talk to your doctor about which probiotics are safe for your baby.

Use Colic-Ease

Colic-ease is a natural, homeopathic remedy that can help prevent colics. It contains a combination of herbs that help soothe and relax your baby’s digestive system.

Monitor Your Baby’s Health

Monitoring your baby’s health can help prevent colics.

Keep an Eye on Weight

Keeping an eye on your baby’s weight can help prevent overfeeding, which can lead to colic.

Look for Signs of Allergies or Infections

Allergies and infections can cause colic symptoms. Look for signs of allergies, such as rashes or hives, and signs of infection, such as fever or lethargy.

Talk to Your Doctor

If your baby is experiencing colics, talk to your doctor. They can help determine the underlying cause and recommend treatment options.

Soothe Your Baby

Soothing your baby can help reduce the risk of colics.

Use White Noise

White noise can help soothe your baby and reduce the risk of colic. Try using a white noise machine or app.

Use Swaddling

Swaddling can help your baby feel secure and reduce the risk of colics. Wrap your baby snugly in a blanket, leaving their head and neck free.

Hold Your Baby

Holding your baby can help soothe them and reduce the risk of colic. Try holding your baby upright with their head on your shoulder.

Reduce Stress

Reducing stress can help prevent colics.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for reducing stress and preventing colic. Make sure you are getting enough rest, and ask for help if needed.

Take Breaks

Taking breaks can help you reduce stress and prevent colic. Take time for yourself, even if it is just a few minutes each day.

Make Time for Bonding

Bonding with your baby can help reduce stress and prevent colic. Spend time playing or cuddling with your baby each day.

Patience is Key

Reducing the risk of colics in newborns takes patience.

Be Patient with Your Baby

Babies go through many changes, and it takes time for their digestive system to develop fully. Be patient with your baby and trust that they will grow and develop at their own pace.

Take a Break if Needed

If you feel overwhelmed, take a break. Ask for help from family or friends, or take advantage of community resources, such as parenting classes or support groups.

Remember, Colic Will Eventually Pass

Colic is a temporary condition, and eventually, it will pass. Remember that you are doing your best to help your baby, and things will get easier with time.


In conclusion, preventing colics in newborns requires a combination of strategies, including understanding what causes them, establishing a routine, reducing exposure to toxins and irritants, helping your baby move gas through their system, monitoring your baby’s diet, trying colic remedies, monitoring your baby’s health, soothing your baby, reducing stress, and being patient. By implementing these strategies, you can help prevent colics and make your child’s (and yours) life better.